The winds of change...
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All things in time do change. . .This is true of life and also of business.

Now, for Property Creative, the winds of change are blowing and we’re setting sail to the wind.

Over the last 10 years of servicing the Sunshine Coast’s best real estate agents, we came to be known for many things. . .The quality of our workmanship, our reliability, creativity, passion and also the relentless pursuit of excellence in our craft.

We shot everything that clients were kind enough to bring our way - from entry level blocks of land all the way up to multi-million dollar luxury homes - and we had a great time doing it.

But now we’ve made a bold decision and will be shifting our focus purely to delivering world-class property marketing at the prestige end of the market and providing a service in that space like no other property focused business in Australia. Period. A big claim - but let me explain.

Everything we turn our hand to from here will be crafted from the bottom up to an exacting standard, in-house - Creative development, digital strategy, careful pre-production, every single frame shot in 8K on the RED Helium Digital Cinema Camera, Editing, Colour grading and VFX - Not just a production house but a boutique creative partner to dream up ideas that deliver on the brief, then execute those ideas with precision and care, speaking eloquently to the target market.

So effective immediately, our standard products will no longer be available to the market. Creative 30, 60, 90, Auction Products etc. they’re now gone. Replaced in fact with an entirely new model - which we’re happy to share with you when you next call. ;) Let’s just say, it’s going to turn your approach to VPA upside down and back to front, secure you more listings and give you what could only be called an unfair advantage in your market place.

With this new model, every single homeowner, every single property will get the full treatment. We’re pulling out all the stops to provide the very best - on every single film. Note the omission of the word photo there too, because we will no longer be offering photography. It’s our films that generate the emotional buy-in, that’s what sets our clients apart and that’s where we’ll be focusing our energies exclusively. Having said that, to truly realise and direct an integrated creative, we’ll arrange and brief a highly skilled architectural photographer ensuring a cohesive outcome.

All hyperbole aside, it’s sad to be saying goodbye to so many loyal and much-loved clients - telling them we can’t do their work anymore after so many years. That bit actually sucks and we’re deeply apologetic - however Katie and I thank each and every one of you for your support and loyalty over the years and hope that this new phase of our business will excite you as much as it does us. We'll hope that our phone will still ring when you have that something special that needs to come to market.

With this change, Property Creative has now become that which we have always dreamt it to be, a leading provider of creative marketing in the real estate space purely focused on generating peerless visual experiences for discerning clients wanting only the best results. That in and of itself is something that excites and inspires us and we can’t wait to bring that inspiration, energy and creativity to your next film.

To the future.

- Christian

Christian Fitzpatrick
The power of Brand films or Why "Corporate Video" sucks. :)

To be completely honest, when somebody says the words “Corporate Video”, I shudder.

Even the words, (go on, read them out loud to yourself again. . .) conjure images of bad stock video, cheap suits, cheesy high fives and bad copywriting.

It’s something that we were also guilty of when we first started out over 10 years ago.

I’m not going to point you to the links of our early efforts (we shake our heads at what we produced even 6 months ago, such is the creative pursuit) but suffice to say we’ve come a long way and it hasn’t been an easy journey.

Now, the modern audience is very different to what it was back then. They’re pretty savvy now. They know the difference between entertainment and promotion. They are so used to high production values from being constantly bombarded by quality branded content on Social Media that as a small Real Estate business, it can be a challenge finding the right way to showcase your business and connect with your customers.

Now the term “Brand Film”, that’s something I love. That’s something that from the outset tells me that I’m in for an experience. . .something special. A film is based on story. Stories connect with people.

A Brand film isn’t just about what a company does. It’s about who it is, what makes it tick and the special things it brings to it’s clients lives. The change, the impact - the. . . ‘little things’ you might say. ;)

So if you’re thinking about doing a corporate video - perhaps rethink that idea. . .go and watch some brand films that really inspire you - don’t watch the videos that the agency up the road or next door created - they’re not you and it won’t help.

You need to be able to connect with what it is that’s unique about you and then have it crafted into your own brand film - one that will actually move people and make them care.

Well It’s not easy, granted, but the alternative is. . . “corporate video” and we all know what that’s like. ;)

Finding the heart of our clients brands and portraying them in film is not something we take lightly - it’s something that we spend a great deal of time and care crafting from the bottom up - so that the end result isn’t just a rewrapped version of the one before it - It is as unique as the client we create it for.

Christian Fitzpatrick
Some things take time. . .

Well, it's been a year now since our rebrand to Property Creative and only now are we getting a moment to put a website together - such was the hecticness of 2017.

So now, with a new body of work that we were really proud of, we thought it was time to get webbing and replace the entirely dodgy image that's almost burnt into our domain's server with something a little easier on the eye.

So it's with a great deal of excitement that we are now here. Not only with this bevy of new pieces to show but also a blog post. . . Don't expect too many of these though. To be honest, I find them tiresome - but hey, I do like to write, so we'll see where this leads.

Coming up we've got some pretty cool little things to shoot, some new gear in R&D and a few surprises up our sleeves.

But for now - I just wanted to thank you for stopping by and for your support. 

Maybe hit up the socials to stay apprised of what we're up to in real time. We'll try and keep them up to date too. ;)

More soon.

- Christian

Christian Fitzpatrick